Vegetable Garden

I began building the new vegie patch on 16-9-2001. Railway sleepers are bloody heavy – don’t start a garden like this with a pregnant wife who can’t help!

16 Sept 2001

By 17-10-2001 (hey, nothing works fast in our house!), the retaining walls were set up. I laid a thick layer of newspapers over the grass, then arranged biscuits of lucerne hay on top. In the top bed, I planted pea, corn and sunflower seeds in handfuls of compost.

17 Oct 2001 17 Oct 2001

This is what the sunflowers looked like on 26-11-2001:

26 Nov 2001

On 9-12-2001 we covered the whole back section of the yard with a thick layer of newspaper (hose it down to stop it blowing around), and then spread lucerne hay over the top. That’s another 30 or 40 square metres of lawn I no longer need to mow.

9 Dec 2001



