Category: CityDesk

  • PureText – Clipboard Cleaner For Windows

    [PureText]( by Steve Miller is awesome for pasting stuff into CityDesk (and other HTML editors, rich text editors, formatted emails, Word docs, spreadsheets, etc). You just paste using Windows-V instead of Ctrl-V, and it’ll strip out all the formatting. It’s like doing Edit -> Paste Without Formatting or pasting into Notepad, copying, and pasting into…

  • Adding Heading Tag Support To CityDesk

    One of my annoyances with CityDesk is the lack of support for H1/H2/H3/etc tags. It really bugs me that I have to switch to HTML mode whenever I want to format a heading. That stuff should be provided in the WYSIWYG interface. Since Fog Creek Software never showed any interest in supporting heading tags, I…

  • Now Supporting RSS

    I’ve added RSS feeds to all of my web sites. If you’d like to be notified of updates to any of my sites, simply click on the orange XML button beneath the menu and copy the URL to your RSS reader. If you’re curious as to what RSS is, this is a good place to…

  • CityDesk 2.0.1 Beta Released

    As promised, Fog Creek announced the availability of CityDesk 2.0.1 Beta today. This really is a great step forward, with dozens of small time-saving enhancements and several big features that make previously-impossible things doable. You can read my first impressions here.

  • How Software Should Be

    This is how software development should be: Fog Creek Software announced that the beta version of CityDesk 2.0 will be released next week. It will be an open beta, meaning anyone who wants to can join. When the final version of CityDesk 2.0 is released, it will be a free upgrade for registered CityDesk 1.0…

  • CityDesk Demo

    If you want to know more about the software I use to maintain this site, check out Fog Creek Software’s new CityDesk Demo (2 Mb).

  • CityDesk 1.0.29 Bug Fix

    Woohoo! Fog Creek Software has released Service Pack 2 of CityDesk to fix a couple of rare but really painful FTP bugs.

  • Quoted By Joel Spolsky!

    I just noticed that Joel Spolsky has used a quote from my site in his advertising for CityDesk. Cool! If you maintain a web site, I highly recommend it.

  • New CityDesk Article – Index Pages

    I’ve written a new article on using CityDesk, Index Pages. I also modified the Folders article after swapping tips with Terry Kearns – having a file named Index in each folder of the site makes it confusing when editing them. Now I just use the keyword “(Index)” to identify articles that are topic indexes, and…