Category: Cool Links
The Importance of Backups
Backups are important. I’ve been using a 100 Mb Zip disk to carry a bunch of files between my work and home PCs (just spreadsheets, text files, to do lists, the occasional photo or MP3 file, etc). It works great, but last week I started thinking about what would happen if the disk failed. I’d…
Useful Spam?
Today was the first time I’ve ever received a useful piece of spam email. To be honest, it wasn’t useful in the way the original sender intended. Some idiot snake-oil peddler wrote to tell me that my web site ‘may not be optimised for the search engines’, and offered to send me a report for…
Thankyou Cards
Megan has been busy this week filling out thank-you cards on behalf of Grace. Just as she finished, I came across this helpful site. Maybe we can use it next time.
Smiggin Holes Winter Olympic Bid
Have you been watching the Winter Olympics? Don’t forget to register your interest as a volunteer for the Smiggin Holes 2010 Winter Olympics Bid!
Happy 28th of January!
Today is the 28th of January! Click here to find out all about this special day.