Category: Down Syndrome

  • New Down Syndrome Association Web Site

    Jill O’Connor (from the Down Syndrome Association of NSW) visited us today with her husband Brendan and son Declan. I’m working with Jill to set up the new web site for the DSA.

  • Footings Poured

    I’ve added a couple of interesting links to the Down syndrome links page. One is a report into inclusion in NSW schools, and the other is the transcript of an SBS show about inclusion in mainstream schools. The concretors poured the footings for the back room today, and the builders removed the brick from most…

  • DSA NSW Conference 2002

    Megan and I attended the Down Syndrome Association of NSW conference up at Collaroy this weekend. They had some great speakers talking about things like Makaton sign language, communication and social skills, legal issues, etc. It was also nice just to meet and talk with other parents.

  • Grace In DSA Newsletter

    Grace’s photo was published in the Winter edition of the Down Syndrome Association of NSW newsletter, along with an introduction letter from Megan and I. They put the photos from each newsletter online (hers is the bottom left picture). A bigger version of the same photo is available on this site.

  • Disability Support Pension Reform

    In their 2002-2003 Federal Budget, the federal Government announced a reform of the eligibility criteria for the Disability Support Pension. These reforms will have significant impact on working adults with Down syndrome, lowering their income and benefits, and thus affecting their ability to lead an independent life. Please read this article about how one individual,…

  • Down Syndrome Links

    I’m trying to collect more sites about Down syndrome. If you have any suggestions, please email me. Articles – Welcome to Holland – An article about what it feels like to find out your child has Down Syndrome, and a fresh way to look at the positive side of life. – Stories By Linda Moran…

  • Heaven’s Very Special Child

    A meeting was held quite far from Earth. “It’s time for another birth.” Said the Angels to the Lord above, “This special child will need much love.” “Her progress may seem very slow, Accomplishments she may not show, And she’ll require extra care From the folks she will meet down there. “She may not run,…

  • Nortel Raffle Fundraiser

    Every Friday, we have a raffle at my work (Nortel Networks in Wollongong) to raise money for charities. Normally the proceeds go to Camp Quality, but one Friday a month the money goes to a different charity, to spread the benefit around. Because the NSW Down Syndrome Association has given Megan and I so much…