Category: Family
Saturday Visitors
We had heaps of visitors come to the hospital to see Grace today. You can only take one visitor at a time into intensive care, so it was a long process getting everyone through! Maryanne (Nan), Gus (Pop), Mary, Christine, Robyn, Ian, Todd, Jenny, Kirk, Michelle and Boston stopped by in the morning, and we…
Grace In Level 2 Care
Good news! Grace was moved down to Level 2 care this morning. She still has the glucose drip, but doesn’t need any of the extra stuff (like oxygen helmets, heat lamps, etc) they had at Level 3. She took her first bottle of formula tonight, and drank 11mL. Megan’s Aunt Marion and Uncle Brian visited…
Grace Is Born!
After a fairly smooth labour, Megan gave birth to our daughter Grace Anne at 12:11pm (Megan is very proud she beat the countdown timer I posted on this site!). She weighed 3.340 kg (7lb 5oz), and was 51cm long (just over 20 inches). Both mother and baby are now resting, and are doing extremely well.…
Megan Gets Induced
After a bit of a detour to skirt around the bushfires ravaging the NSW coast, we admitted Megan into the Royal Hospital For Women at Randwick (Sydney, for the foreigners). They began the induction process at about 8pm – I left for my room at Coulter House shortly after that so we could both get…
Carols in Kiama
Neil and Emma. Little Bradley wouldn’t stop dancing at the start of the night, even when we were trying to line him up for a portrait with Emma and Ryan. He was a bit more co-operative when Dad picked him up. Ryan keeping Granddad busy. Portraits of the couples: Megan and Darren, Angela and Chris,…
New iMac For Grandma
Today I organised the purchase of a second-hand iMac for my Grandmother. She’s outgrown her old Mac II, and now wants to join the rest of us on the internet. It wasn’t too bad a deal, either – $820 for a 350 MHz G3 with 128 Mb RAM and a 6 Gb hard disk.
Nursery Preparations
We bought a bare pine chest of drawers for the baby’s room. After much deliberation, we decided to paint it a gender-neutral bright red and yellow. The cot we bought off a friend also got a lick of paint while the brushes were out. All we need now is a baby.
Grace Is Born
Our first child, Grace Anne, was born at 12:11pm on the 27th of December 2001 at the Royal Hospital For Women, Randwick. She weighed 3.340kg (7lb 5oz), and measured 51cm (just over 20 inches). I had a great sleep last night. Unfortunately Megan can’t say the same thing — she started getting contractions around midnight,…
The 19-Week Ultrasound
The round thing on the right is the baby’s head, and the round thing on the left is the tummy. This was actually our second ultrasound, but it was the first one where we were given a photo to keep. Earlier in the year (around mid-June), Megan was knocked around a lot by morning sickness.…