Category: Programming

  • Using TFT01 2.2″ Display With Arduino Uno R3

    How to drive a 2.2″ TFT01 colour display from an Arduino Uno R3 using the UTFT graphics library.

  • PureText – Clipboard Cleaner For Windows

    [PureText]( by Steve Miller is awesome for pasting stuff into CityDesk (and other HTML editors, rich text editors, formatted emails, Word docs, spreadsheets, etc). You just paste using Windows-V instead of Ctrl-V, and it’ll strip out all the formatting. It’s like doing Edit -> Paste Without Formatting or pasting into Notepad, copying, and pasting into…

  • How Do You Carry All Your Gadgets?

    This seems to be a recurring problem among my friends and workmates. You’ve got a phone, PDA, iPod, GPS, USB stick, keys, wallet, and more. Even cargo pants have a limited number of pockets, and they don’t go very well with a jacket and tie. You don’t want to look like a *complete* nerd and…

  • World’s Worst Code Snippet?

    Check out this [code snippet]( The programmer couldn’t figure out why the AccountId variable sometimes wasn’t set right, so he decided to read the value from the application’s debug log file! What the hell?!

  • Vim Assistant

    Okay, this is one for the hard-core geeks. My apologies to everyone else :-). This is an animation showing the new [Assistant for Vim]( in action. It’s not just the Office weenies that get help from animated characters now!

  • Free eBooks From Apress

    Apress is [giving away some free eBooks]( in hopes of getting people to sign up for their newsletter. Titles include: – A Programmer’s Introduction to PHP 4.0 – Writing Perl Modules for CPAN – Google, Amazon and Beyond: Creating and Consuming Web Services – Practical Common Lisp – plus several others You don’t even need…

  • Programming Blog

    In addition to my new photography blog, I’ve started a programming blog. Why the two new blogs? Well, I read a lot of online articles about both photography (my main pasttime) and programming (my profession). I wanted to keep track of interesting articles I come across, so I can read them again one day or…